Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Why do we fall in love with geeks?

Geeks have their own universe which is surreal, in this universe impossible is nothing and has some slogan says the possibilities are infinite.
These are the essential ingredients to make us believe that fairy tales can happen, that prince charming can appear to rescue us from the evil dragon and that life can be nothing but cotton candy.
Although this doesn’t always happen and sometimes we are attacked by the evil dragon because they couldn’t click the SAVE button...

I found this in my cousin's Patricia page (one of my favourite geeks ) and I wanted to share with you, not for the times you are not able to click SAVE but for the times you make me believe that Fairy tales do happen.

Top 10 Geeky Ways to Say “I Love You”

10# “You give me so much energy I could give up caffeine.”

9# “In the software of my life, my love for you is a feature, not a bug.”

8# “My love for you is a stat, and I rolled an 18 … on three dice.”

7# “If feelings were LEGO sets, my love for you would be the Death Star.”

6# “The myth that we don’t belong together? Busted!“

5# “If I were a Vulcan, I’d go Pon Farr for you every seven minutes.”

4# “If I had to choose between you and an iPad, I’d pick you.”

3# “If I were Frodo and you were the One Ring, Middle-earth would be toast.”

2# “You’re the Konami code for the video game of my life.”

1# “You’re my 42.”

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